I belive they are Vultures but I am still learning about birds.
Let's say they are vultures, for the case it is the same. The fact is that vultures, like all other scavengers, are reviled by neat humans. At least the vast majority of us. Its good name is used to point out all being advantageous, dirty, sick, unpleasant... There are even vulture funds.
Walking through Istataku, Los Nacimientos, where the Abaucán River flows from the dune, a natural space still inhabited by centuries-old Carob trees, a paradise for bird watchers…
I am more repelled by the colony of cheap wine bottles planted everywhere, perhaps hoping that one day trees will sprout with demijohns full of morapium for the next country party.
Will have to see.
And, at some point I will talk about parrots.