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Scratches in the wind

Dune Federico Kirbuz, Medanitos, Fiambala

A few days ago, in a car wash, this local guide approached me and gave me a speech about caring about Nature because it is the heritage that attracts tourism that leaves foreign cash in the Abaucán Territory.

And he is right. Though Reason is the discourse of each personal reality. Not The Truth.

It is not only necessary to take care of environment for aesthetic interest to attract visitors. We have to take care of it because Nature is Us.

Not even those who don't want to think about it are spared of the statement.

The easyest thing is to accuse the others, like the parrots, who are responsible for the fact that there are no carob, chañar or imported fruits for a long ago and far away.

Fruit that is not harvested, that lies on the ground, trampled. These are times of abundance, it seems, and what Nature gives us, perhaps, we may leave over.

Trampled abundance as ton the dune, marked the mountain range, with no other purpose than adrenaline to patch up the potholes on routes of frustration.

Poor Parrots.

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